Truck Drivers in Canada Receive Donations From Bitcoin Community

Presently, 5,061 crypto lovers have donated Bitcoin to the protesting truck drivers in Canada. After the unsettled problem with GoFundMe, they decided to use Tallycoin for donations. More than 22 BTC have been gathered, which is approximately $96k. The amount is gradually getting to $1 million.

As of the time of this report, more than 5,000 individuals have pooled together funds. The funds are for truck drivers that are currently protesting against COVID-19 restrictions. The donations were made using digital currency, Bitcoin. After GoFundMe blatantly refused to release the $9 million in their custody towards the ongoing campaign. 

Pooling of Resources For Truck Drivers

The peaceful protest receives all BTC directly into assigned crypto wallets with the keys. The facilitator of the whole process is Tallycoin.

Tallycoin is used and not GoFundMe because Tallycoin does not have the legal right to seize the donated funds. It is also better because it allows donations from the Bitcoin community. 

Reason For The Donations To Truck Drivers in BTC

Those campaigning had to switch to BTC when their GoFundMe account was suspended. From the report, the account had approximately $9 million received so far.

After the suspension was noticed, the company refused to release the amount to the campaign convoy. The company went on to say the campaign violated their policies as the demonstration had turned into an occupation for many.

This action by GoFundMe restricted the truck driver’s access to the money, which prompted Canadians to gather money for them using other channels. The group agreed that Bitcoin would be a better option to rely on.

Bitcoin is a decentralized network; hence, no single entity or organization can claim jurisdiction over it. Also, it can allow for those who are far away to make their contribution no matter the distance. 

However, the donation to GoFundMe was not the only one that was frozen or suspended. Contributions that were made to GiveSendGo were also frozen. This is coming after the Court of Justice in Ontario gave a decree to the state government to prevent donations worth millions from getting to the protesters.

According to a journalist, Andrew Lanton, the government froze all funds given through GiveSendGo, and it is a crime to have anything to do with money from the platform.

This is the second time the truck drivers have been denied access to donations after the GoFundMe incident. GoFundMe had to refund the money to those who made contributions after a public outburst on the issue.

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